tax benefit: 50%
Education support to children of parents/families ravaged by chronic diseases or bedridden circumstances causes economic and social morbidity. Pallium India extends support to the education of children of these patients and thus encourages them to hope for a better future. The possibility of the children finding their goals for employment, and a safe and secure future fits in perfectly with the goals of palliative care which include the social well-being of patients and families.
These children belong to marginalized groups that often receive insufficient support from the government or the banking system. Our interventions beyond scholarships, such as mentoring sessions by our volunteers, Kuttikootam - summer camp and other social events, have helped them realize the value of education support. We also provide/continue educational assistance to the children who have lost their family members. The pandemic had worsened the conditions of these families who struggled with the lockdown and unemployment of the breadwinner. But they still have hope through your support. This financial year, we wish to support 400 children (school and college). The average amount to support a child's education is 6500 INR per year.
Together, we can make a difference
Education support to children of parents/families ravaged by chronic diseases or bedridden circumstances causes economic and social morbidity. Pallium India extends support to the education of children of these patients and thus encourages them to hope for a better future. The possibility of the children finding their goals for employment, and a safe and secure future fits in perfectly with the goals of palliative care which include the social well-being of patients and families.
These children belong to marginalized groups that often receive insufficient support from the government or the banking system. Our interventions beyond scholarships, such as mentoring sessions by our volunteers, Kuttikootam - summer camp and other social events, have helped them realize the value of education support. We also provide/continue educational assistance to the children who have lost their family members. The pandemic had worsened the conditions of these families who struggled with the lockdown and unemployment of the breadwinner. But they still have hope through your support. This financial year, we wish to support 400 children (school and college). The average amount to support a child's education is 6500 INR per year.
Together, we can make a difference